Emilie Mansour is a Sorbonne PhD in Literature and Comparative Studies “Women in Wartime Beirut (1975-1990). A Geocritical Approach to the Beirut Decentrists”, currently Research Associate at the Women & Gender Studies, American University of Beirut, investigating the place of an artist citizen and the intersections of literature, bodies, memory and urban landscapes during extremely fast and violent changes.
Alternatives Arts Practices - Tashkeel (Dubai) - January 2020
Women Writers in Wartime Beirut - American University of Beirut (Beirut) - October 2019
Soutenance de thèse : “Les femmes dans Beyrouth en guerre (1975-1990). Une approche géocritique des Beirut Decentrists” - Maison de la Recherche Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III (Paris) - February 2019
“Creativity in Times of Conflict” Conference “Upholding Gendered Peace at a Time of War: Academics and Activists Speak Out on the Shifting Places of Women in the Arab World” - Lebanese American University (Beirut) - Conference organized by Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World (LAU), with Women in War, Beit El-Hanan, and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Rule of Law Program MENA Region, Danish Centre for Research and Information on Gender, Equality, and Diversity (KVINFO), and Organisation internationale de la Francophonie - June 2015
“Geocritical Explorations of the Beirut Decentrists Literary Spaces” - Beirut: Bodies in Public - Panel “Corporeality and Biopolitics” - American University of Beirut (Beirut) - in association with Performance Philosophy and supported by King’s College London - October 2014
“La recherche de nouveaux territories dans les textes des Beirut Decentrists” - International conference “Déclinaison des espaces féminins de l’après-conflit” in Limoges University organized by EA1807 (Espaces Humains et Interactions Culturelles) - December 2013
“La recherche de nouveaux territoires dans les textes des Beirut Decentrists” in Déclinaisons des espaces féminins de l’après-conflit, Rocío González Naranjo, Carmen Letz, Lauren Lydic, Juliane Rouassi, Amy D. Wells (Eds.), Limoges, Pulim, Collection Espaces Humains, 2017
“Beyrouth Est – Beyrouth Ouest : Frontières et transgressivité dans la littérature féminine de guerre au Liban” in Frontières et transferts culturels dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen, Augustin Lefebvre, Judit Maár (Eds.), L’Harmattan, Cahiers de la Nouvelle Europe, 2017
“Exploring Third Space in the Beirut Decentrists’ texts” in Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, vol. 12 :1, Durham, Duke University, March 2016
“L’écriture, espace intime d’une catastrophe collective. Les femmes écrivent la guerre au Liban” in Traits-d’Union, n4, Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, 2014